FAQ - Page 2 - TruKnox Technologies


Can I keep a track of the frequency of an advert?

The log generated through the Tru- Player keeps a track of all the content played.

What is the difference between the trial and commercial versions?

Trial version has limited day usage where as full version does not have any such restrictions.

Can I have more than one Tru-i administrator at the same time?

The Tru-i Designer can be accessed by anyone, but the presentations can be locked by creating a specific password. The Tru-i Scheduler is safeguarded by a master password which is known to the users who have administration privileges; who create schedules, manage screens etc.

Is it only intended for small projects?

It is one solution for small as well as large network projects. Number of displays can be linked together & made to deliver feature rich content at the same time.

Can I rotate /split the presentation on screen during presentation?

Yes, while designing your presentation the rotation & splitting of the presentation can be done.

What kind of reports/log does Tru-i Suite provide?

It supports exporting of data logs in HTML format.

What type of network connectivity does Tru-i Suite use?

It uses wired or wireless technology for data transfer or synchronization.

Does it have a feature for web-casting?

Web-casting is not supported with Tru-i Suite.

Does it support interactive content (kiosks, triggers, etc.)?

Yes, the freedom to use interactive content is a distinguished feature of Tru-i, thus making it an enriching experience for the user.

Do you offer free custom plug-ins?

We do not offer free plug-ins, however they can be purchased from us depending on the client’s requirement.
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